
Thursday, October 6, 2011

doing laundry in China is a...

Real chore!!!  I had been warned.  I met up with a friend I had just met at my church before leaving Michigan.  She had just moved back from Shanghai after being there for 4 and 1/2 years.  She mentioned to me that to do 1 load of laundry, yes 1, that it would take all day.  These are the things you hear and you just brush off.  I figured that she must be exaggerating a little bit. 

Well..... she wasn't.  First of all the washers in China are also your dryer.  Don't ask me how it works because IT DOESN'T. ;o)  Also, in the USA you have washers that can now wash, I think it was 13 pairs of jeans or something like that.  I saw it on a commercial.  The load capacity in the USA is big, bigger or gigantic.  In China the load capacity is small, smaller and teeny tiny.  I mean I can barely fit a pair of Michael's jeans through the washer opening.  Now I am exaggerating. is true that I can only fit his jeans and about 2 or 3 shirts at the most and the washer is full.

Next, to do what is labeled "cotton" wash, which 99% of our clothes are cotton, that is about a 3 hour wash time.  After that you put it on the dry cycle.  When you push that button up pops 100 minutes.  That is what...I think an hour and 40 minutes to dry.  And once you push the dry button there is no turning back.  You cannot stop it and open it up and check on the clothes.  It just keeps going for the ONE HUNDRED minutes.  The great thing is when the 100 minutes is over, the clothes are still damp.  Not a little damp, a lot damp.  And I have did two 100 minutes cycles and sometimes the clothes are still a little damp.  I guess that is why I see everyone hanging laundry from their windows, their garages, their balconies and pretty much anything that will hold a hanger you see people hanging clothes to try and dry them.

Luckily, I was thinking ahead and bought a cool clothes hangy drying thing before we left the States, but that will not be here for a while.  And I can imagine in the summer when humidity is 100% , that we will never have dry clothes because they will either be wet with sweat or wet because we could not dry them after being washed.

So.... to all my friends back home, do not take your washer and dryers for granted.  Give them a nice pat once in a while, clean that lint trap, maybe wipe the dust off of them and put a nice vase with flowers on them to make them look pretty.  Because BELIEVE me they deserve it!!! ;o)

my lovely LITTLE washer...I put a candle and plant on her to try and make her work harder for me ;o)


  1. Well, "she" is very pretty. OMG, unbelievable. I think I'd better give my washer and dryer a little kiss. Yes, I must dust them off a little. :)

  2. Aww, she is so cute. I was just crabbing about doing laundry yesterday to a co-worker - no more!
