
Friday, November 4, 2011

When in China.... (warning some pics may be disturbing) ☺

Our adventures in China are in full swing now.  Michael's team took us out to dinner last night and personally I think they like testing Michael. ;o) I think they are seeing if he will really eat everything put in front of him and I think they like seeing our reactions to things.  They are young guys who are fun and they like giving us the "real" Nanjing experience.

They took us to a restaurant and they had ordered by the time we got there.  First came out some pork cabbage in a yummy broth.  It was delicious and they said very good for your health.  Then some veggies came and then the main event.   It was a cow skull with the beef just laying on the top of it.  It still had the horn, teeth and all. 

those are teeth

Michael is an adventurous eater.  In the picture above he is eating the cow eyeball!  Gross!  Even the other guys did not want to eat the eyeball, but Michael did!  The guy to Michael's left ended up eating the other eye.  It was an experience to say the least.  I had a little bite and it tasted ok, but it was way too spicy for me. 

The last of my adventures this week was cupping therapy.  I had read about it back in the States.  I heard that actress, Gwyneth Paltrow liked doing it.   I had always wanted to try it, even back home.  I just thought it was interesting.  I talked to a lady here and she said she had done it and liked it.  She said it helped her back and helped her feel more relaxed.  So on Friday I went and got it done and I think it did make my back feel good.  It did hurt a bit at first, just getting used to the feeling of my skin being sucked up into the cup.  They used bamboo cups at the place I went to, as you can see in the pic below.  I think some places use glass cups.  The marks the cups leave is a bit disturbing, but they don't hurt.  They are not supposed to be bruises necessarily, so they should go away faster than a bruise does or so I've read.  I just had the cups applied, they left them on for maybe 10 minutes, if that, then they take them off.  Next time I am going to get the cupping where they suck the cup to your back and then move it around.  That should be interesting.  Sorry if the pics below are disturbing to anyone.  I just wanted to share! ;o) 

the cups stuck all over my back

my back after the cups come off...I know it looks bad but it really is not that bad ;o)


  1. JoPy and I watched a movie not too long ago called The Madness of King George and he was slightly crazy and one of the therapies used on him was this cupping thing! But he was writhing around in pain b/c they purposely created blisters to try to suck out the "crazy" in him. So it was a little bit different from your experience, I suppose...

  2. Interesting! I just read about cupping yesterday.
