
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let the water works begin.

This week Michael and I spent time with my family.  My brothers and I live in different areas of the county, so this was going to be the last time I get to see 2 of them.  I have 3 brothers total.  I also have 3 nephews and 2 nieces and this would be the last time I see 2 of them until this time next year.  It is always great being with my family, even if at times it is a bit stressful.  When you have 10 adults and 5 kids in one house, things get a little hectic.  But we all love and support one another and in the end that's what matters.  So it was hard saying good bye.  I knew it would be.  And I am a crier, so there were definitely tears flowing.  But my family is a big part of me being able to go to China.  I have their love and support and my parents raised me to love God and care for others and that is what I hope to continue to do in China.  I still have many goodbyes to come, so their will be many more tears.  But Michael and I still feel at peace about moving to China.  And knowing God has our back and a plan for us in China has made all the difference. Here is a pic of my family we took this week.

On a side note, it might be hard to tell in this pic, but one of these things is not like the other and that would be me. ;o)  I was adopted from Korea when I was a baby, which should make my time in China a bit more interesting.  I will write more about that later.

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