
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

making Progress....

So I have been going to my painting class for a couple weeks now.  I go twice a week and am loving it.  I like it because most Gong Bei style paintings are inspired by nature and I just love trees, flowers, birds, etc...Below are pictures of the brushes and paints I use.  Laoshi says that the paints are plant based, so they are non toxic and that the brushes are made with real animal hair.  Other ladies asked him if the paint we use is acrylic, oil or water color and see says it is no of those.  That is it just a natural way of painting.  We do mix water with some of the paint, so I kind of see it as closer to water color, but the paintings end up way more intense than traditional water color because you do layer the paint and depending on how much water you use the colors are more or less intense. I guess that is like water color. ☺

I really like it though and was excited that Laoshi graduated me to the next level.   On Tuesday after a couple weeks of just drawing lines, swirlies, circle, etc....He let me trace my first painting.  You trace an existing piece of art with the brush and a little ink and water.  It does take a steady hand because the brushes are very whispy, not stiff like some paint brushes.  And you are supposed to be very fluid when tracing the lines.  I was very happy and proud of myself because Laoshi said I did a very good job.  It is always nice to get good feed back from a teacher. ☺

So this is the beginning of my painting.  It is hard to see because to create the black lines, the ink we use is mixed with water to make very light lines. 

Here is the start of some of the actual painting with colors.  Laoshi has very specific techniques that end up really resembling nature.  Like for these leaves you have to not paint the very inner part because that will be a different color...a bit lighter I think, like the veins on a real tree.  And the underside of the leaves will be different color than the top of the leaves. 
 When I see Laoshi's paintings I know it is going to take a long time to even get close to the type of work he does.  He was helping my friend paint a bird on her painting and as he was painting the bird just came to life....the way he could draw each individual feather was amazing.  It is really cool and I am excited to share my progress with you.  My friend said she did this painting about 10 times.  Laoshi told me as well to go home and trace this painting again so that I have 2 to practice on.  It is really very fine art and my hand gets very shaky at times when I am trying to concentrate really hard, but I am really enjoying it and am excited to learn more.


1 comment:

  1. WOW!
    I admire your work, Kim, it is truly amazing!
    What a great way to capture nature...
    Thanks for Sharing your hobby in your blog.
